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MOX : the best solution now (in 1989)

A description of MOX properties and application


 Mox1989 ajamjvd (4.75 Mo)

This document was presented during an international meeting of the USA, Russian and European academicians to introduce the idea that stocks of military plutonium in excess could best be reycled in nuclear power plants. In those days - 1989- US considered that this plutonium should be treated as a waste, the Russians thought that it must be kept as a "national" treasure to be used later in fast breeeders and some of the European countries, among them Belgium, were already recycling civilian stocks in there LWR. Professor André Jaumotte, a member of this Academia dei Lincei, asked me - Alain Michel - to prepare this paper with the help of other Belgonucleaire experts. In those days, the board of the company did not want to be involved in military matters. Thus the comment in hand writing on the first page : the signatories do not belong to any institution ...


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