Plutonium : blessing or curse ?

What are your feelings about plutonium ? Would you like to know more ? Belgonucleaire has been an industrial leader for more than ten years in the production of MOX, a nuclear fuel based on plutonium.

The evolution of the international market lead to the end of this activity in 2006. The plant was dismantled and in 2019, the site is totally cleared for new activities. A complete description is now (sept.2020) available in the menu : MOX plant dismantling, the slides of a conference by Jean van Vliet.

 Would you like to know more about this and plutonium ? Send me your questions on and I'll do my best to answer them.

Capture livre et pu2000

This site will present documents (text, power point conferences, videos, ..). that will explain what plutonium really is. It will also reference books and films , both documentaries and fictions, .

This site is presently in "continued" construction. Your contributions and comments are welcome, and will be later as well ! 

And don't miss the links 

Pour les francophones, voici le lien avec un texte qui explique mon parcours dans ce domaineAm l energie nucleaire on ne s en passera pas vfAm l energie nucleaire on ne s en passera pas vf (976.39 Ko)

2020 06 15 energie nucleaire couverture

Fundamentals are to be found in "MOX fuels properties" (3rd in the menu). New papers in the menu list (added january 2023). Have a look for the one labelled MOX plant dismantling ...